Boîtes de trésorerie


Cash Drawer, Hardwired Printer Interface, Black, Notes: 4, Coins. 8, 405x420x100mm, Steal

META-k4s - Tirelire Metapace K-4, noir

Guichet Metapace K-4, ouverture par l'avant, dimensions: 245x105x320mm, comprenant 3 compartimen...

52  EUR

55555561 - Tirelire Star CB-2002 FN, gris foncé

Tirelire Star CB-2002 FN, gris foncé, ouverture par l'avant, dimensions: 410x114x415mm, comprena...

META-k2mount - Metapace Montageset pour table sous

Mounting bracket for under counter mounting the Metapace K2 cash drawer, including screws, black

37  EUR

Z1N260-1205A - Cash drawer insert K-1

Insertion for K-1 cash drawer. In each drawer one of these inserts is included

47  EUR

16101.150-0120 - Caisse Euro Anker

Tirelire Ouverture du haut. Dimensions 482x100x175mm. 6 compartiments pour les pièces de monnaie. 8 ...

140  EUR

4B8C - Insert pour Metapace K-2

Cash drawer insert for Metapace K-2 (4 note compartments, 8 coin compartments, 1 receipt compartment...

22  EUR

META-k2w - Tirelire Metapace K-2, blanc

Guichet Metapace K-2, ouverture par l'avant, dimensions: 330x101x330mm, comprenant 4 panneaux d&...

62  EUR

JT-803 8070KIT4 - Kit de changement A pour K-1

K-1 features 4 vertical and 2 horizontal bill holders. If you prefer to have 4 horizontal bill holde...

9  EUR


cash drawer, front opening, retail, dimensions (WxHxD): 410x114x415mm, 4 note compartments, 8 coin c...

71  EUR