Voyager 1400G

I90486-0 (Roll)

Honeywell, thermal transfer ribbon, TMX 1310 / GP02 wax, roll-width: 55mm, core: 12.7mm, length: 100...


Dolphin Series coiled USB charging and communications cable


Hand Strap Kit (with Mounting Hardware) for the Dolphin 9700


Captuvo SL42 Enterprise Sled (iPhone5G Sled, Image R, MSR, STD. Battery, USB Cable, Black)

CN51AQ1KC00A1000 - Appareil de numérisation et de mobilité Honeywell CN51

Configuration de l'appareil: clavier QWERTY, EA30 Standard Imager Range, appareil photo, Wi-Fi 8...

1981iFR-3SER-5 - Scanner sans fil Honeywell Granit 1981i

Honeywell Granit 1981i scanner sans fil, industriel, 2D, Area Imager, vibration, multi-interface (RS...

CK71AA6MN00W1400 - Terminal Honeywell CK71

Terminal Honeywell CK71, 2D, imageur (EX25), clavier alphanumérique, écran tactile, 8,9 cm (3,5 '...

PX4C011000000040 - Honeywell PX4i, 16 points / mm (406 ppp), multi-IF (Ethernet)

label printer, thermal transfer, 16 dots/mm (406dpi), media width (max.): 120 mm, print width (max.)...

6510-EHB Base de charge et de charge Honeywell

Base de chargement et de charge Honeywell, 1x Mini-USB, 1x Ethernet, 1x RS232 (entrée mâle 9 broches...


scanner de présentation, commerce de détail, 2D, imageur, distance de lecture 0-33,4cm, multi-interf...

1-130649-27-0 (Roll)

Honeywell, thermal transfer ribbon, TMX 2010 / HP06 wax/resin, roll-width: 60mm, core: 25,4mm, lengt...