Extension du contrat de service UnitCare 2.0 incluant le logiciel Unitech Orchestra Période standard...
Zebra OneCare, Essential, Purchased after 30 days of Device, ZD4x0, 3 Years, Comprehensive
RW420 existing unit essential next day onsite with comprehensive cover (print heads) 1 year
Extension du contrat de service UnitCare 2.0, incluant 1 an de retour d'équipement, compatible avec ...
Zebra OneCare, Special Value, Purchased within 30 days of Printer, 5 Day TAT, Applicable to Mobile E...
Contrat de service UnitCare 2.0 de niveau Sapphire pour 2 ans, délai d'exécution de 7 jours, compati...
Zebra OneCare, Select, Purchased within 30 days of Printer, Advanced Exchange (select countries only...